Alaska's Next Big Earthquake & Tsunami: Mitigating Impacts

This workshop will be interactive to address areas of research, engineering, exercises and planning.

The desire is that attendees will be actively engaged to address areas in their organizations and dialogue with professionals in the field to develop action plans to mitigate and respond in a seismic and tsunami event.


  1. This workshop will broaden its audience of attendees to contribute to refining the goals of the alliance/coalition and capture the earthquake and tsunami awareness needs of high risk jurisdictions; critical infrastructure facility representatives; K-12 school districts; and Alaska's local businesses.

  2. Finalize recommendations for implementation of a new multi-jurisdictional and public-private partnership earthquake/tsunami coalition or alliance (to include group goals, charter, organization, membership, etc.)

  3. Publish a summary document of workshop findings.


May 9-10, 2017 Workshop

May 11, 2017 Writing team (selected members)


See Agenda link for final Agenda with linked presentations.

Final Workshop Report

See the Final Workshop Report here.


Crowne Plaza Hotel, Anchorage

Event name: Western States Seismic Policy Council